October 2024
Redemption Church was a multi-congregational church in Arizona that grew to include 10 congregations, a launching church plant, and a parachurch ministry it birthed, The Surge Network. Redemption Church was one church with many congregations, operating within a single legal entity, but with each congregation overseen by local elders. In 2023 the leadership of Redemption Church (including the local elders) went through a discernment process that resulted in the decisions that each of the congregations within Redemption Church and The Surge Network would transition to separate autonomous legal entities under the full authority of their respective governing boards. Those transitions were completed in 2024 through an orderly process of sending each church with resources and structure to continue their ministry in their respective contexts.
Seven of the now autonomous congregations have formed the voluntary Redemption Network who practice local authority with a collective covenant for the sake of birthing and strengthening healthy local churches. These churches include Redemption Arcadia, Redemption Gilbert, Redemption Mesa, Redemption North Mountain, Redemption Peoria, Redemption Tempe, and Redemption Tucson.
Three of the now autonomous congregations have committed to be in a covenantal relationship as Beloved Community, comprising Alhambra Beloved Community, Beloved South Phoenix (a church plant born out of Redemption Church in the midst of these transitions) and Redemption Church Flagstaff.
Ironwood Church formally Redemption Gateway is also an autonomous congregation.
The Surge Network is now operating within the autonomous entity The Fellowship of Christian Churches.
We are grateful for the multitude of ways that the original mission created in 2011 was fulfilled. We celebrate the ways God was honored, that the Word was shared, and He was worshiped. We see much fruit from the period in which we organized ourselves as a multi-congregational church, including initiatives birthed and sent from Redemption in prior years such as AZ127, MTC, Immigrant Hope Mesa and many more.
We are thankful for the ways God used Redemption Church while it was organized in a particular way as a multicongregational church. As was intended in the beginning, may He have been glorified during that time and in the time to come through all that was born from Redemption Church.